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Colleagues Brainstorming
determine which of your employees have the best knowledge to help the external auditor understand and evaluate your business and information security processes.
Identify Your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)


An annual audit has several advantages, including raising your knowledge of risk, enhancing your systems and controls, and meeting third-party requirements. Additionally, it may benefit your team, clients, potential clients, investors, and sources of funding.
The audit will give us the chance to talk with you about any issues or opportunities, and we'll then work with you to create a plan of action to make sure your company keeps getting better. If necessary, we are also delighted to help you put any agreed-upon adjustments into action. So, if you want to make your audit useful, get in touch with us.

Reviewing Reports at Desk

Auditing Services

  • Auditing and issuing audit reports on finances statements for all types of companies.

  • Quarterly and semi-annually audits for financial statements.

  • Issuing management letters regarding the deficiencies in the financial operations of the companies.

  • Evaluate companies’ internal control systems.

  • Due diligence.

  • Issuing audit reports for special purposes.

Image by Sean Pollock

Firms & Fields

All our audit partners and managers have international or equivalent Egyptian qualifications, having an extensive experience with previous work experience in international audit, accounting and consultancy firms in the following fields:

  • Banks & financial institutions.

  • All types of companies (Commercial, Industrial, Construction, Petroleum services, Hotel & Tourism).

  • Foreign companies branches and representative offices.

  • Educational institutions.

  • Non-profit organizations.

Image by Redd F

Internal Audit

Internal auditing plays a key role in helping an organization protect its resources, reputation, and sustainability while also assuring its efficient operation. The internal audit function is expected to assess risks, keep an eye on and evaluate controls, guarantee reporting accuracy, and enhance operations. The internal auditor is also expected to look into fraudulent activity, ensure protections to stop it from happening again, examine processes and procedures, and provide senior management with unbiased observations and advice.

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